Gatsby Starter Blog with Netlify CMS

A free minimalist static blog with content management system. Easy to set up and customize.

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This is geeby.
this is a hero image

What can Geeby do for you?

this is a lightning bolt


Geeby is built using Gatsby. Gatsby is a Static Site Generator so your Geeby site will build and serve up static files which are fast for the browser to read.

this is a cell phone.


Geeby is fully responsive to fit perfectly into any size screen. This is built with sass and can be easily swaped out for something else.

this is a happy face. coding is fun


Everything used to build Weeby is open source and completely free. The hosting is free tier Netlify and everything else runs off Github.

Some Key Features

Gatsby Logo


Gatsby.js a static website genertor.

React Logo


React is a component based javascript framework.

netlify logo


The content management and hosting are both through Netlify for free.

this is a happy face. coding is fun


Sass is a css extension language.

this is a happy face. coding is fun


Gatsby Image, Graphql, Markdown, and more

Find out what our customers think

This is geeby.

I was making love to my wife and this Geeby thing showed up. It started watching us. At first I thought this was pretty messed up but after a while it was pretty cool. Now we sleep with the window open in case he comes back.

This is geeby.

Jason Prillo

This is geeby.

Geeby convinced me my husband was cheating. I left him and took a bus to my mothers house. On the way a found a one hundred dollar bill. Turns out he wasnt cheating and is now with Geeby. I do have and extra 100 bucks though.

This is geeby.

Sara Perno